Ask Proactive – Patient was admitted with a stage IV pressure ulcer that healed (fully epithelialized) and several months later reopened at the same site. How should this pressure ulcer be staged when it reopens?

Q: Patient was admitted with a stage IV pressure ulcer that healed (fully epithelialized) and several months later reopened at the same site. How should this pressure ulcer be staged when it reopens?     A: According to the RAI Manual guidance for pressure...

Ask Proactive – I conducted the pain interview with a resident recently and they stated that they have ‘almost constant’ pain and rated it as ‘moderate’. I reviewed the chart and the resident has PRN analgesic available, but never requests it, and the Q shift Pain monitoring on the MAR indicates no pain during the look back period. How should I address this on the MDS?

Q: I conducted the pain interview with a resident recently and they stated that they have ‘almost constant’ pain and rated it as ‘moderate’. I reviewed the chart and the resident has PRN analgesic available, but never requests it, and the Q shift Pain monitoring on...

Ask Proactive – A resident was admitted with a pressure injury (PI) that was unstageable because it was covered with slough and eschar. I coded it on the admission MDS under M0300F(Unstageable Pressure Ulcers Related to Slough and/or Eschar). I’m now doing a quarterly and the slough has been debrided, but there is still a lot of eschar. Do I still code it as unstageable on the MDS?

Q: A resident was admitted with a pressure injury (PI) that was unstageable because it was covered with slough and eschar. I coded it on the admission MDS under M0300F(Unstageable Pressure Ulcers Related to Slough and/or Eschar). I’m now doing a quarterly and the...

PDPM Coding Question – We have isolated new admissions in our facility during the Coronavirus pandemic. Can we report and get “credit” for this precautionary isolation or does the resident have to have an active infection?

Q: We have isolated new admissions in our facility during the Coronavirus pandemic.  Can we report and get “credit” for this precautionary isolation or does the resident have to have an active infection?   A: Precautionary isolation should not be reported in the...