On-Demand Webinars

Wound Management: Beyond Skin Deep

This webinar series reviews best practices for wound prevention and wound care management. Emphasis will be on avoiding common areas where facilities go wrong related to assessment, care planning, treatment, documentation and coding, and effective communication protocols related to skin and wound care management.

Behavioral Health & Psychosocial Well-Being

This webinar series emphasizes growing the skills of the interdisciplinary team in the areas of mental health, behavior management and fostering psychosocial well-being. Your staff will gain insight into common mental health disorders, substance use disorders, trauma informed care, as well
as psychotropic medications and implementing effective non-pharmacological strategies to manage behavioral health needs in the LTC setting.

Developing & Implementing a QAPI Program

This series will assist SNF providers in effectively designing and implementing a QAPI program in the nursing facility setting. Participants will gain the skills needed to improve quality nursing care and quality of life of nursing facility residents through emphasis on identification of facility-specific opportunity areas and dynamic performance improvement activities. Participants will gain knowledge to enhance the effectiveness of QAPI program activities and interdisciplinary team participation.

Abuse & Neglect Program Checkup

This 6-session webinar series reviews strategic elements to compliance with the Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation regulations at §483.12, with an emphasis on abuse prevention efforts, effective policies and procedures, training, reporting requirements, conducting investigations and incident response management. Extensive IJ deficiency examples will be reviewed with discussion of effective programming and survey preparedness activities to prevent Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation related citations.

The Impact of the MDS

The MDS has a ripple effect on facility reimbursement, quality measures and care quality. This 5-session series targets what facility leaders need to know about the MDS to oversee and drive reimbursement, quality measures/QRP, 5-Star success and care quality.

Proactive’s MDS experts will provide clarity on crucial performance areas impacted by the RAI process, avoiding common errors and driving outcomes through MDS accuracy in your facility.

Documentation In Depth

This monthly series facilitates moving clinical documentation from satisfactory to superior with a focus on defending quality of care and supporting accurate reimbursement. Discussion will include assessment considerations, effective care planning in high-risk areas, reporting daily care and services, and overcoming common barriers. Extensive case studies and documentation examples will be included. This webinar series aims to empower healthcare professionals in SNFs/NFs to provide the highest quality of care while maintaining the integrity and accuracy of their documentation.

Deconstructing Immediate Jeopardy & High-Risk Tags

This 12-month webinar series is designed to empower nursing home professionals with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the top risk areas associated with Immediate Jeopardy citations. Drawing from real-life examples of IJ citations, we’ll delve into actionable solutions to prevent these critical citations in facilities. Participants will dig into the critical issues in nursing home while exploring strategies to prevent immediate jeopardy citations.

The Main Attraction: Activities That Work

This 4-session webinar series will provide in-depth review of the regulatory requirements and survey tips/strategies for activities team members as well as inspirations and concepts for building effective, person-centered and worthwhile activities programs.

MDS Updates & Areas of Impact

An updated version of the MDS 3.0 (version 1.18.11) will be implemented effective October 1, 2023, and the new MDS 3.0 data set is undergoing the most significant change to the RAI since it’s implementation in 2010. This session will review key changes to the MDS item sets and how to accurately code any new or revised items as a critical first step in preparing for the changes. In addition, discussion will include key considerations for the overarching impact of the October changes on facility processes, including, but not limited to, the potential impact to reimbursement, and implications for the CAAs and individualized Care Planning, discharge planning, survey, SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP), and the Five Star rating. This session will prepare participants by sharing insights into the MDS 3.0 changes and providing guidance on action steps to take to effectively operationalize these changes within facility processes.

5-Star Work Plans A to Z

This series examines the three domains of the CMS 5-Star Quality Rating System: Health Inspections, Staffing and Quality Measures including how the rating is calculated and analyzing your data with a focus on developing a work plan to improve or maintain 5-Star Status. Common obstacles to 5-Star status will be discussed with tips and strategies for advancing facility performance.

You Might be an Administrator If…

This series is geared toward the ups and downs of life as an Administrator, addressing hot topics in LTC operations with insightful presentations followed by discussion of actual facility scenarios submitted by participating Administrators. As part of the webinar series, participants receive access to a closed discussion forum chat room for networking and ongoing topic dialogue with peers. Join Proactive for this 6-month virtual forum that is part education, part support group– and gain new perspectives for overcoming the unique challenges of being a LTC Administrator.

Mission Possible: SNF Department Head Briefing

This 12-month webinar series focuses on skill building for serving effectively as Long-Term Care Department Heads with an emphasis on effective leadership, operations and systems in the LTC setting. Guidance will include strategies for avoiding common deficiencies, performance improvement and QA activities, team building, productive meetings, and customer service. This session will discuss specifics for success in the DON position by exploring the details of the day-to-day nursing operations.

Dynamic DON

This series focuses on skill building for serving effectively as the Director of Nursing with an emphasis on effective leadership and staff engagement, nursing operations and systems of care for common conditions treated in the LTC setting. Guidance will include strategies for avoiding common deficiencies, staff training/competency, performance improvement and QA activities targeting QM areas, fundamentals of SNF/LTC reimbursement and oversight of MDS performance and promoting 5-star quality.

SNF Compliance Pro Primer

This 6-session webinar series will focus on skill building for serving effectively as the facility Compliance Officer or compliance program contact/liaison with a focus on establishing an effective Compliance Program. Topics will move beyond program basics to include guidance on driving a robust compliance & ethics program in the SNF/LTC/AL setting.

Unpacking the RoP Interpretive Guidance

On June 29, 2022, CMS released revised Long-Term Care surveyor guidance, including clarifications and technical corrections of Phase 2 guidance issued in 2017, new guidance for Phase 3 requirements which went into effect in November 28, 2019, and guidance on the new arbitration requirements which became effective September 2019. Surveyors will begin using this guidance to identify noncompliance on October 24, 2022. This 5-session education series will explain the updates and changes of the regulations and guidance, with an emphasis on developing actions plans for achieving compliance related to the updates and changes.

MDS Mastermind

This 8-session webinar series emphasizes skill building for serving effectively as the MDS/RAI Coordinator. New or seasoned MDS staff will improve mastery of the MDS and detailed coding implications for ensuring proper reimbursement, accurate Quality Measures, and survey preparedness.

Winning the Fall Prevention Battle

This 8-session series guides the interdisciplinary team through the elements of an effective falls prevention program. Sessions focus on assessment strategies that guide targeted risk-based interventions, responding to a fall event, and promoting a fall prevention environment. Presented by a team of nurse and therapist experts, this series aims to provide the insights and tools needed to implement improved falls prevention programs in the SNF/LTC/AL setting. Webinars were recorded February & March 2022. 

Reimbursement Refresher

This 4-part webinar series focuses on critical updates for NSF/LTC leaders to drive best practices for payment accuracy, medical review success, and contract negotiations. A team of expert presenters offers reimbursement insights in the areas of Medicare, Medicaid Case Mix, Managed Care, and Medical Review Preparedness. Webinars were recorded July & August 2021. 

Standards of Care

This 10-part webinar series will focus on advancing results in the three domains of the CMS 5-Star Quality Rating System: Health Inspections, Staffing, and Quality Measures. You will gain insight into how the health inspection, staffing, quality measure, and overall rating is calculated. Tips on how to analyze your data and develop an effective action plan to achieve 5- Star status will be emphasized, along with practical facility application of QAPI elements to drive your 5-Star Ratings. Webinars were recorded January-December 2021.

Cultivating LTC Leaders

This 12-session webinar series addresses hot topics in nursing home operations to develop skills in managing current clinical- regulatory, legal, and compliance risks. A team of expert presenters offers insight on systems and strategies to advance preparedness for the varied challenges facing LTC leaders, with practical solutions, templates, tools, and resources. Webinars were recorded January-December 2021.