Ask Proactive – We have a resident who has a progress note documenting that resident requested HOB to be elevated because when lying down flat he can’t “catch his breath.” He doesn’t have COPD but he does have pulmonary fibrosis which is listed on his hospital H&P and receives an inhaler to help with symptom management. Is it okay to mark at I6200 on his 5-day PPS assessment?

Q: We have a resident who has a progress note documenting that resident requested HOB to be elevated because when lying down flat he can’t “catch his breath.” He doesn’t have COPD but he does have pulmonary fibrosis which is listed on his hospital H&P and receives...

Ask Proactive – I heard we don’t have to code urinary tract infection (UTI) in section I if it doesn’t meet the McGeers requirement, but my director of nursing is telling me I do have to code it. Can you clarify?

Q: I heard we don’t have to code urinary tract infection (UTI) in section I if it doesn’t meet the McGeers requirement, but my DON is telling me I do have to code it. Can you clarify?     A: Urinary Tract Infections that do not meet evidence-based criteria...