
Can a Medicare Part A beneficiary who has exhausted his or her SNF benefits, but continues to need and receive skilled care in the SNF (e.g., for a qualifying feeding tube), renew SNF benefits under the section 1812(f) waiver regardless of whether or not the SNF or hospital was affected by the COVID-19 emergency?



If the patient has a continued skilled care need (such as a feeding tube) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 emergency, then the beneficiary cannot renew his or her SNF benefits under the section 1812(f) waiver as it is this continued skilled care in the SNF rather than the emergency that is preventing the beneficiary from beginning the 60 day “wellness period.” (https://www.cms.gov/files/document/coronavirus-snf-1812f-waiver.pdf) (Source: CMS FAQ New: 4/10/20)

Blog by Amie Martin, OTR/L, CHC, RAC-CT, Proactive Medical Review

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