In the world of healthcare, cleanliness isn’t just about appearance—it’s a critical component of infection control and prevention. Effective cleaning and disinfecting practices are essential to maintaining a safe and sanitary environment in skilled nursing, long-term care, and assisted living facilities. Here are some key insights and best practices for ensuring that your facility remains a model of cleanliness and safety.

The Role of Environmental Surfaces in Pathogen Transmission

Environmental surfaces can be significant reservoirs for pathogens. High-touch areas like door handles, light switches, bed rails, and medical equipment can harbor harmful microorganisms, which can then be transmitted to residents and staff. Understanding the role of these surfaces in the spread of infections underscores the importance of rigorous cleaning and disinfection protocols.

Recommended Practices for Cleaning and Disinfecting

  1. Routine Cleaning and Disinfection: Establish a regular cleaning schedule that includes frequent disinfection of high-touch surfaces. Use EPA-registered disinfectants and follow manufacturer instructions for dilution and contact time to ensure efficacy.
  2. Focus on High-Risk Areas: Pay special attention to areas more likely to be contaminated, such as resident rooms, bathrooms, and common areas. Increased cleaning frequency in these zones can help mitigate the spread of infections.
  3. Staff Training and Compliance: Ensure that housekeeping staff are well-trained in proper cleaning and disinfecting techniques. Regular training sessions and compliance monitoring can help maintain high standards and reduce the risk of infection.
  4. Use of Appropriate Cleaning Tools: Equip staff with the right tools, such as microfiber cloths and mop heads, which are more effective at trapping and removing microorganisms compared to traditional cleaning materials. Ensure tools are regularly cleaned and disinfected to prevent cross-contamination.
  5. Monitoring and Feedback: Implement a system for monitoring cleaning practices and providing feedback. This can include visual inspections, fluorescent markers to detect missed areas, and regular audits to ensure adherence to protocols.

Incorporating Cleaning Practices into the IPC Program

Integrating these cleaning and disinfecting practices into your facility’s Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) program is crucial. Here are some action steps to achieve this goal:

  1. Develop Clear Protocols: Establish detailed cleaning and disinfection protocols that are integrated into the overall IPC plan. Ensure these protocols are accessible and understood by all relevant staff members.
  2. Multidisciplinary Approach: Foster collaboration between housekeeping, nursing, and IPC teams. Regular meetings and communication can help align goals and ensure cohesive implementation of cleaning practices.
  3. Regular Review and Updates: Periodically review and update cleaning protocols based on the latest guidelines and research. Stay informed about new products and techniques that could enhance your facility’s cleaning and disinfection efforts.
  1. Engagement and Accountability: Encourage staff to take ownership of their role in infection prevention. Recognize and reward adherence to cleaning protocols to foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

Join Our Webinar to Learn More

For a deeper dive into the best practices for cleaning and disinfecting in healthcare settings, join us for our upcoming webinar, “Ship-shape Cleaning & Disinfection for the Infection Preventionist,” on July 24, 2024. This session, presented by industry expert Shelly Maffia, will provide valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your facility’s IPC program. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your cleaning standards and ensure a safer environment for your residents and staff.

Need additional support for your Infection Prevention and Control Program? Contact Proactive to learn about our consulting partnerships.


Written by Shelly Maffia, RN, MSN, MBA, LNHA, QCP, CHC, CLNC, CPC
Clinical Consultant

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