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Nursing facilities are required to complete a comprehensive Facility Assessment by November 28, 2017 as part of the Phase 2 Requirements of Participation (RoP.) The assessment must be presented to surveyors during the annual survey within four hours of entrance. Surveyors will review the assessment to determine the level to which care and resources have been thoroughly evaluated to make thoughtful decisions on resource allocations, staffing levels, and staff competencies required to meet the needs of your unique resident population. The Facility Assessment can seem overwhelming with the expectation to thoroughly examine your resident population, the resources you have available to meet the needs of your resident population, and the level of competency of all personnel providing services to your residents. While CMS introduced a tool with additional instruction early September, many facilities have requested additional help and guidance.
Proactive has developed a comprehensive template to guide completion of the Facility Assessment in compliance with the RoP regulations. This pdf fill-in tool allows each facility to complete the Assessment elements through a combination of checklist worksheets, fill-in-the blank resource tables, and narrative response with clarifying guidance on key considerations to clearly address each component. Once completed, the template is a printable Facility Assessment report.