by Proactive LTC Consulting | Oct 21, 2020 | 5-Star, ADL, Blog, QAPI, Quality Measure
You may have heard that Section G of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) was going away; however, that will not be happening anytime soon. While it is true that Section G may eventually be eliminated, this change has been pushed back due to stakeholder concerns as well as the... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Sep 2, 2020 | 5-Star, Blog, Pressure Ulcers, QAPI, Quality Measure
Improving performance in pressure ulcer/injury prevalence rates within your facility will result in many benefits including improved quality measures, star ratings, survey results, and patient outcomes. If your facility’s pressure ulcer rate is above industry... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Dec 10, 2019 | Compliance, Phase 3 RoP, QAPI, Training, Webinars
Top Priorities for Staff Development in 2020 As you plan your 2020 staff training itinerary, consider addressing these important topics: Phase 3 staff training and competency requirements, advancing PDPM skills, and 5 Star Quality. The Phase 3 SNF §483.95 Training... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Nov 25, 2019 | 5-Star, CASPER, MDS, QAPI, Quality Measure, SNF
Using CASPER Reports for Quality Measure Monitoring with Recommended Run Schedule This is part 2 or a 2 part blog on the effective use of CASPER reports. As a continued review of CASPER Reports with Recommended Run Schedule, let’s take a look at Payroll Based Journal... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Oct 29, 2019 | CMS, QAPI, SNF
Possible one year delay of the SNF QAPI Program requirements While CMS published a proposed rule to delay for one year the Phase 3 SNF QAPI Program requirements, providers have good reason to move forward in implementing a comprehensive QAPI Program with the original... by PMR Team | Jun 3, 2019 | 5-Star, QAPI, SNF
This blog is one in a series of blogs focusing on SNF 5-Star Quality Measures. Click here to see all 5 star blogs. CMS Five-Star Quality Rating System: The Path to 5-Star QMs Percent of residents whose need for help with activities of daily living has increased One of...