Ask Proactive – In the past, when there have been significant updates/revisions to the RAI Manual, there has been changeover in the MDS Staff in our facility. How do you recommend that we prepare should this occur again?

Q: In the past, when there have been significant updates/revisions to the RAI Manual, there has been changeover in the MDS Staff in our facility. How do you recommend that we prepare should this occur again?   A: While expecting change doesn’t make it any easier,...

Ask Proactive – The new MDS data element A2123 asks about the Provision of Current Reconciled Medication List to the Resident at Discharge. How is the current reconciled medication list defined and what information should be included?

Q: The new MDS data element A2123 asks about the Provision of Current Reconciled Medication List to the Resident at Discharge. How is the current reconciled medication list defined and what information should be included?   A: This data element is one of the new...

Ask Proactive – When a resident who has a feeding tube for nutrition is receiving speech therapy and has orders for a pureed diet/thickened liquid trials at lunch during therapy sessions, should this be coded on the MDS as a mechanically altered diet in section K0510?

Q: When a resident who has a feeding tube for nutrition is receiving speech therapy and has orders for a pureed diet/thickened liquid trials at lunch during therapy sessions, should this be coded on the MDS as a mechanically altered diet in section K0510?   A:...