by Proactive LTC Consulting | May 6, 2020 | Blog, CMS, COVID-19, Education, PDPM, Telehealth
Q: Now that CMS approved OT, PT, and SLPs for telehealth service delivery, can we start utilizing this distant service option for treatment delivery with appropriate patients? A: New guidance issued by CMS issued on April 30th acknowledges OT, PT, SLP... by Proactive LTC Consulting | May 6, 2020 | Blog, CMS, COVID-19
On April 30, 2020 President Trump announced the formation of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) independent commission, or nursing home task force, officially known as the Coronavirus Commission for Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes [1]. This... by Proactive LTC Consulting | May 6, 2020 | CMS, COVID-19, IPA, PDPM
On April 10, 2020 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration released a memorandum detailing enforcement guidance for recording cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The memo provides interim guidance to Compliance Safety and Health Officers (CSHOs) for... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Apr 28, 2020 | 5-Star, CMS, IPA, PDPM, Quality Measure
On April 24, CMS issued a memo (QSO-20-28-NH) regarding Nursing Home Five Star Rating System updates, staffing data and frequently asked questions. In this memo, they announced that the health inspection domain of the five-star rating system will temporarily be... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Apr 15, 2020 | CMS, IPA, PDPM, SNF
CMS issued the FY2021 SNF PPS Proposed Rule (effective October 1, 2020) on 4/10/20 with a 2.3% payment increase yielding an approximate increase of $784 million in payments to SNFS. Other changes to the code mappings for PDPM case-mix classification and updates for... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Apr 7, 2020 | CMS, COVID-19, IPA, PDPM
Quickly sharing information about prevention efforts and disease outbreak can help stop the spread of disease, and reduce the incidence of illness and even death. In addition to immediately reporting details of positive cases to your state and local health...