Antibiotic Stewardship

Improving the use of antibiotics in healthcare to protect patients and reduce the threat of antibiotic resistance is a national priority. Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed medications in nursing homes, with up to 70% of residents in a nursing home...

Perfecting the Care Planning Process: CAAs

The Care Areas Assessment (CAA) process is the framework for decision-making after the MDS assessment has been completed, and serves as the link between the MDS and the Care Plan. The CAA process helps the interdisciplinary team evaluate the resident holistically, and...

How will a Recession Impact Your Facility?

As most facilities continue to focus efforts on recovering from the impact of the pandemic, the potential of an economic recession threatens to present the next major provider challenge.  With increasing inflation, climbing interest rates, stock market declines,...

Becoming a Dynamic DON

Fulfilling the Director of Nursing (DON) role in a skilled nursing facility is not an easy challenge. In addition to an extensive list of formal responsibilities and job duties, those who are truly successful in the role have tremendous grit, a sense of purpose, and a...