
How are A1005: Ethnicity, and A1010: Race supposed to be coded on an unplanned Discharge Assessment or Death in Facility Tracking Record?




As these are direct resident interview items the obvious concern is that the resident may not be asked in the instance of an unplanned discharge and certainly cannot respond from the afterlife. If the resident is unable to respond, the assessor may ask a family member, significant other, and/or guardian/legally authorized representative. Medical record documentation can be used if the resident is unable to respond and no family member, significant other, and/or guardian/legally authorized representative provides a response. In both instances you would also code X. Resident unable to respond. If the resident is unable to respond and no other resources (family, significant other, or legally authorized representative or medical records) provided the necessary information, code only X. Resident unable to respond.


Eleisha Wilkes, RN, GERO-BC, RAC-CTA, RAC-CT, DNS-CT
Clinical Consultant

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