Curious about survey trends so far this year? Let’s take a look at current trends in citations and late surveys.

Average Number of Deficiencies

The national average number of deficiencies cited during annual surveys is currently 7. Utah’s average number of deficiencies is 19.8, which is the highest in the nation. Alaska and Mississippi have the lowest average number of citations (average 3 citations on annuals).

Late Surveys

34.5% of nursing facilities have not had an annual survey in over 15 months. In Maryland, Kentucky, and Idaho, over 80% of facilities have not had an annual survey in over 15 months and over 50% of facilities in these three states have not been surveyed in over 3 years! 31 additional states still have facilities that have not received an annual in over 3 years.

Top Citations

The top 5 citations during annual surveys conducted so far in fiscal year (FY) 2023 are:

  1. F812 Food Procurement, Store/Prepare/Serve Sanitary with 611 citations
  2. F880 Infection Prevention and Control with 508 citations
  3. F689 Accidents with 415 citations
  4. F656 Develop/Implement Comprehensive Care Plan with 392 citations
  5. F761 Label/Store Drugs and Biologicals with 388 citations

The top 5 citations during complaint surveys conducted so far in fiscal year (FY) 2023 are:

  1. F689 Accidents with 514 citations
  2. F684 Quality of Care with 345 citations
  3. F600 Free from Abuse and Neglect with 268 citations
  4. F609 Reporting of Alleged Violations with 258 citations
  5. F880 Infection Prevention and Control with 241 citations

The top 5 Immediate Jeopardy citations so far in FY 2023 are:

  1. F689 Free of Accident Hazards/Supervision/Devices with 97 IJs cited in this area
  2. F600 Free from Abuse and Neglect with 55 IJs cited
  3. F684 Quality of Care with 29 IJs cited
  4. F880 Infection Prevention and Control with 27 IJs cited
  5. F760 Residents are Free of Significant Med Errors with 19 IJs cited

Want to stay on top of survey trends in 2023 and access key insights for successfully managing the survey process? Make plans to join us on Feb. 21 for the second session in our 6-part webinar series “You Might be an Administrator if….”. This session will review major current survey trends across the nation with an emphasis on specific strategies for successfully managing the survey process & responding to negative survey outcomes. Emphasis will be on the top tags for annual and complaint surveys with extensive examination of Immediate Jeopardy citations.



Written By: Shelly Maffia, RN, MSN, MBA, LNHA, QCP, CHC, CLNC, CPC
Director of Regulatory Services


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