by Proactive LTC Consulting | Jan 4, 2023 | Q&A, Survey
Q: How will the Facility Assessment be used during the survey process? A: During your annual survey, you will be required to provide the survey team a copy of your completed Facility Assessment within four hours of them entering your facility. If systemic care... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Dec 19, 2022 | 5-Star, Blog, F-Tag, Survey
As we begin a new year, many of us are reflecting back on 2022 to help us set goals for positive change in 2023. Do your goals include prioritizing 5-Star Improvement or better survey outcomes? As you know, both annual surveys and complaint surveys can have a... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Nov 29, 2022 | Blog, Survey
The IDR process gives nursing homes one informal opportunity to dispute cited deficiencies after any survey of Federal requirements for participation. Facilities are also provided the opportunity to request and participate in an Independent IDR if CMS imposes civil... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Nov 22, 2022 | Blog, Survey
A plan of correction (POC) is a plan developed by the facility and approved by CMS or the state survey agency that clearly describes the actions the facility will take to correct deficiencies cited during a survey and specifies the date by which those deficiencies... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Nov 9, 2022 | Compliance, F-Tag, Survey
Oversight, Outbreaks, Overpayments…Oh My! It seems the LTC industry has no shortage of potential pitfalls knocking at the door. October 24, 2022 has come and gone, with the long-awaited phase 3 surveyor interpretive guidance now in effect for LTC providers. This... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Oct 26, 2022 | Q&A, Survey
Q: My facility just completed our annual survey and is in denial of payment until a Directed In-Service training is completed. What is a Directed In-Service training and how do we ensure compliance? A: Directed In-service training is one of the enforcement...