by Proactive LTC Consulting | Jan 12, 2021 | Blog, COVID-19, Documentation, SNF
Through the challenges of the pandemic, charting quality may have taken a backseat to other priorities during times of staffing shortages and outbreaks. However, claims for services related to COVID-19 care are vulnerable to medical review. Consider these best... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Apr 22, 2020 | Blog, Education, SNF
Q: Can a Medicare Part A beneficiary who has exhausted his or her SNF benefits, but continues to need and receive skilled care in the SNF (e.g., for a qualifying feeding tube), renew SNF benefits under the section 1812(f) waiver regardless of whether or not the SNF or... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Apr 15, 2020 | CMS, IPA, PDPM, SNF
CMS issued the FY2021 SNF PPS Proposed Rule (effective October 1, 2020) on 4/10/20 with a 2.3% payment increase yielding an approximate increase of $784 million in payments to SNFS. Other changes to the code mappings for PDPM case-mix classification and updates for... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Apr 15, 2020 | Blog, COVID-19, Education, Hospitals, SNF
Q: Does the section 1812(f) waiver for the 3-day qualifying hospital stay apply only to those beneficiaries who are actually diagnosed with COVID-19, or does the waiver apply to all SNF-level beneficiaries under Medicare Part A? A: The qualifying hospital stay... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Mar 18, 2020 | Medicare, PDPM, Q&A, Regulatory, Reimbursement, SNF
Q: How should situations, in which the 3-day qualifying hospital stay normally required for a covered Medicare admission to the SNF is waived due to the national emergency, be reported on the UB04 claim form? A: Providers that receive beneficiaries without a... by Proactive LTC Consulting | Mar 17, 2020 | Education, Medicare, PDPM, SNF
With the growing concern surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the slew of emails you’re likely receiving, we want to provide you with a brief, focused summary of how this pandemic has temporarily changed our current practices and regulations surrounding our Medicare...