Q & A – Can a Medicare Part A beneficiary who has exhausted his or her SNF benefits, but continues to need and receive skilled care in the SNF (e.g., for a qualifying feeding tube), renew SNF benefits under the section 1812(f) waiver regardless of whether or not the SNF or hospital was affected by the COVID-19 emergency?

Q: Can a Medicare Part A beneficiary who has exhausted his or her SNF benefits, but continues to need and receive skilled care in the SNF (e.g., for a qualifying feeding tube), renew SNF benefits under the section 1812(f) waiver regardless of whether or not the SNF or...

SNF PPS Proposed Rule FY2021 Released

CMS issued the FY2021 SNF PPS Proposed Rule (effective October 1, 2020) on 4/10/20 with a 2.3% payment increase yielding an approximate increase of $784 million in payments to SNFS. Other changes to the code mappings for PDPM case-mix classification and updates for...

Q & A – Does the section 1812(f) waiver for the 3-day qualifying hospital stay apply only to those beneficiaries who are actually diagnosed with COVID-19, or does the waiver apply to all SNF-level beneficiaries under Medicare Part A? 

Q: Does the section 1812(f) waiver for the 3-day qualifying hospital stay apply only to those beneficiaries who are actually diagnosed with COVID-19, or does the waiver apply to all SNF-level beneficiaries under Medicare Part A?   A: The qualifying hospital stay...

PDPM Coding Question – How should situations, in which the 3-day qualifying hospital stay normally required for a covered Medicare admission to the SNF is waived due to the national emergency, be reported on the UB04 claim form?

Q: How should situations, in which the 3-day qualifying hospital stay normally required for a covered Medicare admission to the SNF is waived due to the national emergency, be reported on the UB04 claim form?   A: Providers that receive beneficiaries without a...