You’ve likely heard that significant changes are coming to the MDS in October 2023. Here’s what you need to know in a nutshell and our recommended action steps to be prepared.

An updated version of the MDS 3.0 (version 1.18.11) will be implemented effective October 1, 2023, and the changes are some of the most significant we’ve seen in years. There are major additions or revisions to nine sections of the MDS and clarifications to MDS data element assessment steps and coding tips throughout. Examples of these updates include:

      • The addition of social determinants of health (SDOH) standardized patient assessment data elements (SPADEs) which will help to provide important information for culturally competent care planning and discharge planning.
      • Section G has also been removed from federally required item sets– a long-awaited revision that will also bring changes to assessment practices, Quality Measure calculations, Care Area Assessments, and reimbursement methodology for some

These changes alone can significantly affect facility policies, procedures, and training needs, and with the combined updates effective this fall, facilities should be implementing an action plan now to prepare. While the draft version of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) User Manual v.1.18.11 is currently available, the final version is not expected until August of this year. The draft version, however, provides plenty of guidance (albeit along with raising new questions) to begin preparations now instead of waiting until the last minute and risking reimbursement and compliance gaps.

Need to take the next step to ensure compliance by the October 1, 2023 effective date?

Take action today and register to join Proactive for live readiness training that will prepare participants with deep dive insights into the MDS 3.0 changes and guidance on specific action steps to effectively operationalize these changes within facility processes. This 5-hour virtual workshop will review key changes to the MDS item sets section by section and how to code any new or revised items accurately. In addition, content will include key considerations for the overarching impact of the October changes to facility processes, including but not limited to, the potential impact on reimbursement and implications for the Care Area Assessments (CAAs) and individualized care planning, discharge planning, survey considerations, SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP), and the Five-Star rating.

Need a refresher or to cross train staff on MDS fundamentals in advance of the October update? Join our next 12 contact hour virtual MDS Orientation June 12-14. You may also make plans for staff to attend the next virtual ICD-10 CM Coding Refresher for SNF on July 18th. 



Written By: Eleisha Wilkes, RN, GERO-BC, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, DNS-CT
Clinical Consultant

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