
When can I schedule MDS assessments that will have an ARD of 10/1 or after? The look-back period begins this week.




This will depend on your software vendor who should let you know when the update has been made and when it is allowable to open assessments with an ARD in October. Review the first assessments you schedule to validate that the new MDS version is in use.  You may also see the following warning message on your Final Validation Report around this time: -3935b: Incorrect RUG/PDPM Version: The submitted value of the RUG/PDPM version code does not match the value calculated by the iQIES. This type of message is common when there are significant changes to the MDS and requires no action.


Eleisha Wilkes, RN, GERO-BC, RAC-CTA, RAC-CT, DNS-CT
Clinical Consultant

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