How can the facility comply with administering nebulizer treatment without needing to stay with the resident during administration for a resident who will keep nebulizer on?
In order to support that the resident is able to self-administer a nebulizer treatment after set-up, it would be best practice to complete a medication self-administration assessment, that addresses nebulizer medications specifically. The assessment should address factors such as: Is the resident able to keep the nebulizer body in a vertical position, and the mouthpiece in the mouth or the mask in place, throughout the treatment; Resident breathes normally through the mouth with occasional deep breaths until the onset of inconsistent nebulization (i.e. until sputtering is heard); Recognizes if not feeling well during the treatment or if there is a problem during the administration and can summons help appropriately
Shelly Maffia, MSN, MBA, RN, LNHA, QCP, CHC, CLNC, CPC
Director of Regulatory Services
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