I have a resident with an active diagnosis of hyperglycemia who is receiving blood glucose monitoring and scheduled and sliding scale insulin during the 5-day assessment look-back period. Why is the NTA Case-mix Group NF (0 points)?
Hyperglycemia alone is not a comorbidity associated with NTA points. 2 NTA points are applied to the PDPM rate if Section I, item I2900, diabetes mellitus (DM) (e.g., diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy) is reported as an active diagnosis during the assessment look-back period. It would be prudent to query the physician for clarification if the hyperglycemia is suspected to be related to DM versus a transient condition such as drug-induced glucose alterations.
Blog by Eleisha Wilkes, RN, RAC-CTA, RAC-CT, DNS-CT, Proactive Medical Review
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