
How can I ensure my care plan meetings are meeting the needs of the resident, responsible party and the IDT while being efficient and mindful of everyone’s time?




Care planning is a critical aspect of patient-centered care and plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the healthcare needs and preferences of the resident are addressed effectively. The cornerstone of a successful care plan lies in the depth of information gathered regarding the resident’s likes, dislikes, goals, personal history, and prior living situation. The more comprehensive and personalized this information is, the more tailored and effective the care plan can be. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to gather input from as many sources as possible. This collaborative approach not only enriches the care planning process but also ensures that the resident’s unique needs and desires are at the forefront of their healthcare journey.

  1. Advance Notice: The facility should give residents and, if applicable, their representatives advance notice of care planning conferences. This allows them to prepare and participate effectively.
  2. Various Forms of Participation: Residents and their representatives can participate in care planning through various means, such as attending in-person meetings, participating in conference calls, or using video conferencing.
  3. Support and Encouragement: Facility staff should support and encourage resident and representative participation. This support may include ensuring that they understand the care planning process and making the process as convenient as possible.
  4. Timing: Care planning meetings should be scheduled at times when the resident is functioning at their best. This ensures that the resident is actively engaged in the process.
  5. Meeting Outline: Provide an outline of the meeting to keep it on track and help residents and representatives know what to expect. This can include an agenda, topics to be discussed, and the expected duration of the meeting.
  6. Information Exchange and Decision-Making: Sufficient time should be allocated for information exchange and decision-making during care planning meetings. This ensures that the process is thorough and that decisions are made collaboratively.

In essence, the success of an interdisciplinary care plan hinges on open communication, comprehensive input, and adaptability to changing circumstances. It embodies the commitment to delivering care that is tailored to the unique needs and desires of each resident, ultimately enhancing the quality of life and well-being for those under our care.


Brandy Hayes, RN, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
Clinical Consultant

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