
Many facilities have gone 3 years or more since their last standard survey. What are the best ways that the facility can communicate with the survey team to enhance the survey process and promote successful outcomes?



It is vital that the facility communicate effectively with the survey team from the time they enter the facility. Set the tone for clear and courteous communication by training facility staff on how to greet the survey team when they arrive, where to escort the team for their prepared workspace, and what information to provide them immediately upon entrance. Information provided should include any special circumstances occurring in the facility on the date of their arrival, such as if there is any infectious outbreak within the facility (COVID, Flu, Norovirus etc.), any special events being celebrated and the time, or any meetings/trainings that key facility personnel are attending causing them to be away from the facility. The facility should also assign a designated staff member to be the key contact person in charge of communicating with the survey team and providing requested copies of information. This will streamline the process and assist in ensuring that the correct information is provided in a timely manner.

A key method for determining what needs to be communicated to surveyors is to be observant as to what the survey team is reviewing and to whom they are speaking. In doing this, the facility will be alerted to any issues or concerns that the team might identify that would require investigation. Being proactive and approaching the team with the information they need will send a strong message of communication and cooperation. This information might involve a plan of action that was put in place as part of the QAPI process, or investigation findings that determined the facility was in compliance with the regulations and policies that governed the area in question.

Most importantly, ensure that the designated staff member is checking with the survey team frequently throughout the survey. They should verify that all requested information has been provided, if there are any questions or concerns that the facility can help to address, or if there is any other assistance needed by the team. By demonstrating open and effective communication, the facility will promote and encourage the desire for the survey team to engage with the facility team, promoting successful outcomes for all.



Written by:

Janine Lehman, RN, RAC-CT, CLNC

Director of Legal Nurse Consulting

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