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Patients rely on you. You can rely on us. Find toolkits, webinars, on-demand trainings, templates, and much more to meet the needs of your facility.

Solutions that Allow Providers to Focus on Care
Proactive’s user-friendly tools and practical training solutions allow you to spend more time focusing on care.
Recently Added Products
§483.10 Resident Rights Requirements
$89.00 -
§483.12 Freedom from Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation
$89.00 -
§483.15 Admission Transfer and Discharge Requirements
$89.00 -
§483.20 Resident Assessment & §483.21 Comprehensive Person-Centered Care Plan Requirements
$89.00 -
§483.24 Quality of Life Requirements
$89.00 -
§483.25 Quality of Care Requirements
Proactive’s user-friendly tools and practical training solutions allow you to spend more time focusing on care.
Register for upcoming webinars or purchase convenient on-demand trainings of past sessions here. Proactive is the trusted source for post-acute care education.
Upcoming Partner Webinars
Proactive partners with industry associations, trade groups, and other affiliates for collaborative training projects and provider support initiatives.
Winning the Fall Prevention Battle – Past Webinar Recordings
This 8-week series guides the interdisciplinary team through the elements of an effective falls prevention program. Sessions focus on assessment strategies that guide targeted risk-based interventions, responding to a fall event, and promoting a fall prevention environment. Presented by a team of nurse and therapist experts, this series aims to provide the insights and tools needed to implement improved falls prevention programs in the SNF/LTC/AL setting. Webinars were recorded in February & March 2022.
Behavioral Health and Person Centered Care Competency Toolkit
$89.00 -
Infection Control & Prevention Basics Competency Toolkit
$89.00 -
Restorative Nursing Competency Toolkit
$89.00 -
SNF-NF Staff & Department Competency Checklist
$69.00 -
Behavioral Management Resources
$69.00 -
Bowel/Bladder Incontinence, Catheter, UTI F690
$99.00 -
F550 – Dignity and Respect of Individuality
$99.00 -
F636-F642 – Resident Assessments & Accuracy of Assessments
$99.00 -
SNF QAPI Fundamentals
$99.00 -
Health Inspections: Analyzing 5-Star Data and Applying QAPI Principles to Improve 5-Star Survey Results
$149.00 -
Staffing: Analyzing 5-Star Data and Applying QAPI Principles to Improve Staffing Ratings/Retention
$149.00 -
Pain: Analyzing 5-Star Pain Quality Measures and Applying QAPI Principles to Improve Pain Quality Measure
The Proficient Infection Preventionist – Past Webinar Recordings
This 12-month webinar series emphasizes skill building for the Post-Acute Care Infection Preventionist with a focus on establishing and managing an effective IPC program in the SNF/LTC/AL setting.
Survey Success – Past Webinar Recordings
This 12-month webinar series reviews nursing home survey trends and top deficiencies cited with an emphasis on understanding and applying the Interpretive guidance to avoid similar tags.
Reimbursement Refresher – Past Webinar Recordings
This 4-part weekly webinar series focuses on critical updates for NSF/LTC leaders to drive best practices for payment accuracy, medical review success, and contract negotiations. A team of expert presenters offers reimbursement insights in the areas of Medicare, Medicaid Case Mix, Managed Care, and Medical Review Preparedness.
Standards of Care – Past Webinar Recordings
This 10-part webinar series will focus on advancing results in the three domains of the CMS 5-Star Quality Rating System: Health Inspections, Staffing, and Quality Measures. You will gain insight into how the health inspection, staffing, quality measure, and overall rating is calculated. Tips on how to analyze your data and develop an effective action plan to achieve 5- Star status will be emphasized, along with practical facility application of QAPI elements to drive your 5-Star Ratings.
Cultivating LTC Leaders – Past Webinar Recordings
This 12-month webinar series addresses hot topics in nursing home operations to develop skills in managing current clinical- regulatory, legal and compliance risks. A team of expert presenters offers insight on systems and strategies to advance preparedness for the varied challenges facing LTC leaders, with practical solutions, templates, tools and resources. Recordings of live sessions are included with the webinar purchase.
5-Star Insights – Past Webinar Recordings
This 10-part webinar series will focus on advancing results in the three domains of the CMS 5-Star Quality Rating System: Health Inspections, Staffing, and Quality Measures. You will gain insight into how the health inspection, staffing, quality measure, and overall rating is calculated. Tips on how to analyze your data and develop an effective action plan to achieve 5- Star status will be emphasized, along with practical facility application of QAPI elements to drive your 5-Star Ratings.
PDPM Master Class – Past Webinar Recordings
This 12 month webinar series focuses on developing mastery of the skills required to successfully lead clinical reimbursement excellence under PDPM. Optional Certification is available for individuals completing the entire series and passing the certification exam at the end of the completed series.
MDS Proficiency Series – Past Webinar Recordings
This 6 session webinar series provides MDS section-by-section coding guidance under PDPM and insights for optimal data collection, supportive documentation, and consistent coding accuracy. Live sessions are completed weekly over 6 weeks and review key MDS sections under PDPM.
Moving Mountains – 2019 Changes Series – Past Webinar Recordings
These webinars cover Phase 3 Requirements of Participation focus areas and the transition from RUGs IV to the Patient Driven Payment Model in a step wise fashion that guides the proactive provider to compliance by the fall 2019 implementation dates.
F-Tag Series – Past Webinar Recordings
These webinars focus on top deficiencies cited nationally with a review of the regulation, analysis of associated Interpretive Guidance and survey procedures (e.g. Critical Element Pathway and/or Surveyor Probes) discussion. Actual citation examples are examined with tools for compliance and performance improvement shared.
Comprehensive Policies, procedures and fill-in-the-blank facility assessment resources are available. Policy and Procedure Templates, Rehabilitation Provider Policies, Facility Assessment Template.