Deconstructing Immediate Jeopardy & High-Risk Tags

This 12-month webinar series is designed to empower nursing home professionals with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the top risk areas associated with Immediate Jeopardy citations. Drawing from real-life examples of IJ citations, we’ll delve into actionable solutions to prevent these critical citations in facilities. Participants will dig into the critical issues in nursing home while exploring strategies to prevent immediate jeopardy citations.

Target Audience

Directors of Nursing, Nursing Leadership, QA Directors, Compliance Staff, Department Heads, Nursing Home Administrators


One (1) contact hour each session; NAB approved through Proactive LTC Consulting.

Webinar Dates

  • January 9 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Elopement – View Recording
  • February 13 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Falls & Accidents – View Recording
  • March 12 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Abuse & Neglect – View Recording
  • April 9 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Quality of Care – View Recording
  • May 14 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Infection Control – View Recording
  • June 11 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – View Recording
  • July 9 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Medication Errors
  • August 13 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Pressure Ulcers
  • September 10 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Changes in Condition
  • October 8 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Competent Nursing Staff
  • November 12 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Nutrition & Hydration
  • December 10 – Immediate Jeopardy Risk: Respiratory Care

Webinar Time

  • LeadingAge Associations: 9:30am Pacific, 10:30am Mountain, 11:30am Central, 12:30pm Eastern
  • AHCA Associations: 11:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Mountain, 1:30pm Central, 2:30pm Eastern

Register Through our Associations Partners

To register for an upcoming webinar in your area, visit your organization’s website for details. Click on your participating organization’s link below. Contact your association for questions related to registration, fees, handouts, and certificates of attendance.

Please do not register through Proactive if we have a partnership with an association with your state!

Presented By:

Shelly Maffia

Shelly Maffia, MSN, MBA, RN, LNHA, QCP, CHC, CLNC, CPC
Director of Regulatory Services

Shelly Maffia is a Registered Nurse and licensed Nursing Home Administrator with extensive experience in the long-term care setting. She holds AANAC’s QAPI Certified Professional (QCP) credential, is certified in healthcare compliance through the Healthcare Compliance Association (HCCA), is an AAPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC), and is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. She is a member of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC), the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, the American Association of Professional Coders (AAPC), the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN), the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and the Healthcare Compliance Association (HCCA). 

Shelly specializes SNF regulatory compliance and nursing home quality improvement. She provides frequent consultation and training to nursing facilities across the nation on regulatory compliance, reimbursement compliance, and quality improvement. She has presented extensively on survey preparedness, QAPI, Achieving 5-Star QMs, Infection Prevention and Control, PDPM, and ICD-10-CM coding.

She serves as the Director of Regulatory Services with Proactive Medical Review & Consultants, LLC.

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