Restorative Nursing Excellence: Revitalizing Programs and Restoring Function
Virtual Workshop
Thursday, January 9th
10:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time
This full-day training will focus on restorative nursing programs (RNP) by reviewing program fundamentals including the types of programs, RAI definitions, and regulatory requirements. Attendees will gain insight into evaluating RNP candidates, the connection between restorative programming and Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement, care planning and documentation techniques, and staff training requirements. Instruction will include case study reviews and documentation examples for each type of restorative program. Common barriers to maintaining a successful restorative program are identified with suggested solutions.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the purpose and importance of restorative nursing programs (RNP) for your resident population.
- Explore regulatory requirements related to RNP and the potential impact on quality measures.
- Describe types of restorative nursing programs and review RAI definitions.
- Identify barriers and possible solutions for maintaining a successful program.
- Understand the relationship between RNP and case mix/PDPM.
- Understand restorative nurse aide (RNA) and restorative nurse manager (RNM) roles and responsibilities.
- Describe how to develop an effective RNP Plan of Care using an interdisciplinary approach.
Target Audience:
MDS/RAI nurses, Restorative staff, CNAs, Directors of Nursing, Nurse Managers
Contact Hours:
6 total contact hours through the Kentucky Board of Nursing (5-0065-12-31-174). Proactive Medical Review & Consultants, LLC is an approved provider of continuing education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing, #5-0065. To receive the maximum number of contact hours, you must complete the entire program. Partial credit may be issued based on time actually attended. Certificates may be printed once the program evaluation is submitted. Disclaimer Statement: The Kentucky Board of Nursing approval of an individual continuing education provider does not constitute endorsement of program content.
Presented by:
Eleisha Wilkes, RN, RAC-CTA, RAC-CT, DNS-CT
Clinical Consultant
Technical Support
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Cancellations must be made in writing and emailed to info@proactivemedicalreview.com. Cancellations by phone will not be accepted. Cancellations received no later than 24 hours before the webinar start time will receive a full refund. Registrants who do not attend or who do not complete the full seminar will not receive a refund unless prior written notice is given to the Proactive Medical Review office. Attendance for the full workshop required to receive certificate of attendance at close of the event. Partial attendance may be granted based on time actually attended.