Welcome to the World of Dietary! LTC Refresher Course


This product will register one individual for the virtual workshop on December 12, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern.


How to complete your registration?

Once you’ve completed your purchase in the Proactive Shop, you will receive a confirmation email from Proactive. Prior to the webinar event(s) you will receive an email directly from GoTo™ Webinar with log in instructions. Please white list customercare@gotowebinar.com with your email service to reduce webinar emails going to spam. Webinar handouts are posted on the GoTo™ webinar toolbar during the live training event. Click here if you have any questions or issues with your registration.

Welcome to the World of Dietary! LTC Refresher Course

Dietary department need a refresh? Sharpen your dietary knowledge and establish effective dietary department systems
when you join Proactive for this virtual workshop. This 4-hour training will review team building, food service regulations,
documentation requirements, IDT collaboration, preventing common deficiencies and much more! Co-presented by a dual
Registered Dietitian and Nursing Home Administrator and a nurse/legal nurse consultant, your team will gain insights into
the dietitian role, effective dietary systems and recommended QA oversight and management duties of the facility administrator! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to elevate the quality of your dietary department.