Abuse & Neglect Program Checkup (Full Series Purchase)


FULL SERIES PURCHASE: This will register one individual for all 6 sessions of the Abuse & Neglect Program Checkup webinar series.



This 6-week webinar series reviews strategic elements to compliance with the Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation regulations at ยง483.12, with an emphasis on abuse prevention
efforts, effective policies and procedures, training, reporting requirements, conducting investigations and incident response management. Extensive IJ deficiency examples will be reviewed with
discussion of effective programming and survey preparedness activities to prevent Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation related citations.

Sessions Include

      • Abuse & Neglect Policies & Training Compliance
      • Abuse & Neglect Reporting Requirements
      • Capacity to Consent to Sexual Activity
      • Investigating Allegations of Abuse
      • Abuse Incident Response & Management
      • Study of Abuse & Neglect IJ Deficiencies & POC