5-Star QMs – Antipsychotic Use


This session will review the antipsychotics quality measures that impact the Quality Measure component of the Nursing Home Compare Five-Star Quality Rating system.



This session will review the antipsychotics quality measures that impact the Quality Measure component of the Nursing Home Compare Five-Star Quality Rating system. During the session, we will review how these measures are calculated and how they impact your overall Five-Star Quality Rating. The session will focus on best practices for reducing antipsychotic medications and chemical restraints in your facility and how to improve these measures using a QAPI framework with emphasis on reduction of common MDS coding errors and implementation of a facility specific Five Star Road map action plan. Sample tools will be shared for driving and sustaining antipsychotic reduction efforts.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how the antipsychotics quality measure is calculated and impacting the Five-Star Quality Rating score
  2. Describe best practices for reducing antipsychotics and improving your antipsychotic quality measures
  3. Describe a process for establishing priority QAPI goals and actions to improve antipsychotics reduction efforts


Webinar recorded August 2020