Supportive Documentation for Nutrition & Hydration Services


DOWNLOAD: This presentation is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the essential skills and knowledge needed to create supportive and thorough documentation for individuals at risk for or experiencing impaired nutrition/hydration status.



This presentation is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the essential skills and knowledge needed to create supportive and thorough documentation for individuals at risk for or experiencing impaired nutrition/hydration status. Participants will be equipped to navigate the complexities of documenting the identification of the risk for, prevention of and management of impairments in nutrition/hydration status in residents. and leave with a solid understanding of the regulatory landscape, enhanced communication skills, and practical strategies for creating comprehensive and supportive documentation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to recognize and articulate the key elements necessary for comprehensive and supportive documentation related to nutrition/hydration assessment.
  2. Participants will recognize the implications of incomplete or inaccurate documentation on care planning, quality of care, facility liability and ensuring regulatory compliance.
  3. Participants will develop effective communication skills for documenting strategies and treatment interventions to manage risks and prevent complications related to impaired nutrition/hydration collaboratively within interdisciplinary teams.


Webinar recorded August 2024